Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lil' Prayer Buddies

Lily the Easter Lamb: sings "Jesus Christ is Risen Today," recites "The Lord's Prayer," and says "Christ is Risen... Indeed He is Risen!"
Ferdinand the Fox: (top left) recites the "Prayer of St. Francis"
Louie the Lamb: (top right) recites "The Lord's Prayer" 
Luke the Irish Lamb: (bottom left) recites the "Irish Blessing" and "The Lord'sPrayer"
Ralphie the Racoon: (bottom right) recites 2 prayers- "Bless us, O Lord" and "We Give Thanks"
Stevie the Sea Turtle: (top left) recites 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ("Love is patient...)
Bearnice the Polar Bear: (top right) sings "Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow"
Dottie the Dove: (bottom left) recites Matthew 5:9 (peacemakers) 
Olivia the owl: (bottom right) sings "Jesus Loves Me"

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